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Other Projects

Building Schools and Sponsoring Children 

Education has quickly become our main ministry in East Africa. To date we have built ten primary schools and currently provide for over 1200 children in our sponsorship scheme. This type of project involves finding schools in need of new buildings and financial support. Many schools across Uganda are simply wooden shacks consisting of a mud floor and leaky tin roof and the educational resources are few to non-existant. Abaana provides a way for churches, schools and other organisations to raise funds providing the materials needed for a new school. We also give the opportunity to sponsor children in these schools which will pay for teaching staff, school maintainance, lunches and much needed educational resources. We are constantly looking for new sponsors and continually have new school projects to be undertaken.


Building Water Wells

By building water wells, we can provide whole communities with clean, accessible water. Abaana has so far funded and built 8 wells in Ghana and 4 wells in Zambia. Since then, we have concentrated on building wells in the Sembabule region of Uganda and the immediate vicinity of our school builds.


Medical Support

After funding a tuberculosis centre in 2002 for children in the Congo, Abaana raised funds for a Medical centre operational since 2004 and based in Uganda. We have been able to provide the Red Cross a Haemoglobin Machine for one of their Hospitals in South Africa, and sponsor a doctor in the Congo. We continue to be concerned for the medical welfare of children who find themselves forced to live on the street and continue a keen interest for new projects in the horizon.


Children affected by War

In the North of Uganda, in the Gulu and Kitgum regions, there has been a recent civil war ongoing for over twenty years. Perpetuated by the LRA guerilla group, it is one of the world’s most horrific forgotten wars. Tens of thousands of children were abducted over this period and many of the surviving young adults, now with dependant children, live in displacement camps bearing both the mental and physical scars. Abaana has set up a micro finance project to help the local people get back on their feet. We provide them with farm animals and land to plant and tend crops. We have also completed a school in the area and hope to provide adult literacy classes and sewing skills training in the near future. The healing process will be a long one for these people and Abaana has committed to work alongside them to give hope and motivation for the future.




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